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Mastery Unleashed:
The Self-Actualised Collective

An exclusive 12-month membership designed for emerging leaders ready to transform their aspirations into achievements, self-actualise across all areas of life and attain empowered mastery of their destiny.


Transform your life through emotional mastery and inspired action.


This course is designed for you to master the strategies to overcome any challenge, transform any emotion, and efficiently steer your life towards greater achievement and fulfilment.

Unlock your true potential, learn the strategies and build the foundation for living a more authentic, empowered, and purpose-driven life.


Mastering your mind is an invaluable skill to help you move forward in life. The skills you develop during your membership will extend into every aspect of your life.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

This membership includes;​​

  1. Monthly group coaching 90-minute Q&A zoom call, bring your questions and challenges, get answers and guidance, and have an accountability check

  2.  Monthly 90-minute transformation intensive with shared teachings, implementation and personalised guidance. Discover new teachings and practices every month in this live-stream video class.

  3. Quarterly half-day Immersion growth accelerator. Every three months, you'll join Belle for a 4-hour online workshop where you'll immerse yourself in universal principles and breakthrough any perceptions that are holding you back from stepping up to the next level.

  4. This results in 2 x 90 minutes sessions a month, and 4 x 4 hour immersions per year

  5. Community WhatsApp forum supported by an exclusive group of growth seekers who hold each other with trust, vulnerability, power, and authenticity. A space to share your celebrations and questions as you journey through the program and a wonderful opportunity to learn from other’s questions.

  6. Private Coaching Thread. Sometimes your question is private, so Belle has created a message thread where you can confidentially receive answers to your questions

This is a high-level mastermind for seekers who want to master awareness, the skillsets, and the practices to live a life of mastery, meaning and fulfilment.

Hand holding wooden blocks with text - Leadership, empower people, inspire people, share v

Over the course of your membership we will







I will facilitate you through the process of activating your unique personal genius to become an empowered self-leader who will live an inspired, fulfilling life through conscious intention and purposeful achievement.


As you progress through the 12 months you will also become empowered in the 7 areas of life;

Clarify Your Present

Understand yourself and take command of your life as you define your inspired vision, mission and purpose

Redefine Your Past

Dissolve your emotional baggage and limiting beliefs by learning and using transformative tools to reframe your perspective and rewire your brain

Claim Your Future

Have the tools you need to materialize your dreams and step up to the next level in your work, finances, relationships, business, career, social influence, physical vitality, and emotional stability.

Spiritual Truth and Immortality


Awakens and humble your mind to

  • an underlying hidden order

  •  a greater intelligence inherent in nature

  •  greater wisdom and truth

  • Opens your heart to greater love and appreciation.

Financially- Financial Empowerment and Prosperity

  • greater self-worth resulting in being paid for your value

  • decreased excuses that tend to sabotage wealth

  • moderated over or under spending

  • expanded time horizons and patience for investment

  • greater vision and discipline in saving and investing.

Mentally- Mental Empowerment, genius and Wisdom

  • organised ideas and thoughts

  • expanded mind

  • awaken your intuitive faculties

  • clear away your emotionally-charged memories and imaginings

  • have greater clarity and vision

  • have emotional stability. 

  • activate the part of your brain responsible for strategic, balanced thinking, foresight, inspiration, creativity, genius, innovation and vision.

  • greater objective thinking to give you advantage

  • greater executive function, EQ, IQ

  • greater resilience and adaptability and mindfulness

  • more certainty and presence.

Familial- Familial love, Relationships and Intimacy

  • enhanced intimate communication

  • conflict resolution

  • decreased blame

  • increased respect and understanding

  • Greater reflective awareness

Vocationally- Vocational Service and Achievement

  • more certainty and clarity to your career direction.

  • greater certainty in you worth and value that assists fair exchange for your service

  • certain of the pros and cons of decisions, in advance.

  • increased wise action and decreased foolish reaction.

  • inspired greater inner drive and greater service

  • expanded business vision

Socially- Social Power, Influence and Leadership

  • generate leadership qualities

  • breakthrough fears and guilt

  • clarify your mission and direction

  • bring understanding to world events

  • increase you sphere of influence

Physically- Physical Health and Wellbeing

  • clear emotionally charged tensions

  • dissolve stress

  • increased vitality

  • calm emotions and relaxes muscles

  • sounder sleep

  • dissolves psychosomatic emotional charges associated with illness to increase probability of healing

"The ripple effect of the insights you'll have will change every aspect of your life forever. Your relationships, your work, your finances, your family, your business. Everything. It's a paradigm shift that can never be undone."

As a result of your commitment,

you will be living with greater

Take command of your perceptions, decisions and actions, giving you unprecedented resilience and adaptability


Feel enthused and driven with forward momentum as you pursue the vision, purpose, and mission that you are uniquely destined to accomplish


Your confidence, authenticity, and greatest leadership emerge as you value your unique genius, and align with your highest values


When you reflect on your past experiences, you’ll see the bigger picture and the perfection of yourself, others, and your life


You are clear on your path forward and able to embrace both pain and pleasure in the pursuit and fulfillment of your purpose


You are certain you’re on your unique path, have the tools you need to step up to the next level and have the wisdom to see that life is on the way


You are unstoppable, you are worthy, you are the source of your greatest leadership, influence, self-worth, and power.

If you’re ready to go inwards and do the work that will


  • clear your blockages,

  • balance your mind,

  • clarify and reignite your vision,

  • achieve a resilient and adaptable mindset,

  • generate leadership qualities,

  • amplify your influence and impact

  • master your destiny, and

  • create the deepest fulfilment in life.

  • reflect your committed growth mindset


then this Self-Actualised Collective Masterclass Membership is designed for you

What you can expect to learn within your membership:

  • Discover universal principles that govern human behaviour and how they reflect in the entanglement of your subconscious and conscious mind

  • How to understand your mind so that you have greater self-awareness and greater understanding of others

  • How to ask questions to change your perceptions and have full consciousness.

  • How to regulate your emotions to maintain governance and leadership in your life

  • Strategies and their application to promote executive brain function, unprecedented mental and emotional resilience and adaptability, foresight, leadership and genius.

  • How to recognise your highest values and have clarity of identity so you can stay connected with your authentic self and live genuinely.

  • How to uncover and refine your vision and purpose so you can live a life of meaning and fulfilment

  • How to live congruently with your highest values so you can set realistic goals and live with achievement and value

  • How to bring your future vision into reality to design the life you would love.

  • Access tools and their application so you can dissolve any limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours preventing you from living your dreams and mastering your destiny.

The results of the 12-month mastermind includes continual clearing of emotional distractions, greater vision, objectivity, resilience, adaptability, gratitude for life, enthusiasm, achievement, drive and inspiration.

What makes this membership unique....


I deliver transformative strategies that create permanent and lasting change.

I leave out wishful thinking, hype and generic advice.

I use grounded, scientific principles.

I leave out common sense stuff you already know.

I believe that true understanding comes not just from listening and learning but from actively engaging with the material – it is an experience not just instruction.

We create an environment where you learn and connect with a community of other seekers with a growth mindset who share your aspirations.

I will give you powerful tools that you can take home and use in your daily life.

I use cutting edge transformational methodology that is new perspective and paradigm in thinking and changing the model of psychology. It is a reproducible science that enables you to discover the underlying order governing your apparent daily chaos.


During the year, I focus on content that will bring you real results!


If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, one that challenges you to break free from limitations and stories to embrace your authentic power, then this mastery unleashed collective membership is the catalyst you've been waiting for.


Join and experience the profound and inspiring power of truly mastering your mindset.

Phone; +61 408073376 |  Email; | South Golden Beach, NSW, AUSTRALIA

©2020 by EQUILIBRATE : Transformational Self-Mastery. 

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I acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodians of country throughout Australia and pay my respects to them, their culture and their Elders past, present and future.

I also acknowledge Māori as tangata whenua and Treaty of Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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