12 month immersion transformational program
EMERGE is an inner work coaching program for high achievers seeking meaning, fulfilment, and success in all areas of life;
This 12 month program will;
build your awareness that empowers choice and leads to expansion, bringing greater authenticity, congruency, self worth, achievement, meaning and fulfilment.
If you are;
ready to fully commit to yourself no matter what
ready to show up exactly as you are – no hiding
coachable and ready to receive support
ready to take responsibility for yourself and your choices
ready to lead yourself into a great expression of your potential
ready to have greater wealth, social connections and influence, intimate relationships, physical wellbeing, mental genius, business success, and spiritual connection
This 12 month package includes;
26 x 60 minute individual sessions (fortnightly)
6 'lifeline/service' emergency calls of 30 min duration held at short notice for motivation, brainstorms, downloads or debriefing when you need immediate coaching support
a journey with me that you will look forward to as I take on the role of your mentor, cheerleader and accountability nemesis (guidance, feedback and accountability)
tools to understand yourself and others, to understand relationship dynamics whether they be personal or professional, and to be able to bring governance to your perceptions, decisions and actions
an understanding of universal principles that govern us and an awareness of how to dance within them
free email access to me for support between sessions through your journey, for questions, clarification and accountability
determining your values and the importance of this
taking off the masks and understanding human behaviour
clearing your past to love your present and liberate your future
rewriting old beliefs and dissolving old stories
breaking fantasies and nightmares
gaining governance over your thoughts and feelings
greater appreciation for yourself and others
increased self worth
Fascinating journey of self discovery and revealing your own unique hierarchy of values.
Understanding the importance of knowing your hierarchy of values as it relates to leading a fulfilled and meaningful life.
Gain clarity around your own authentic nature and identity which ultimately assists with setting goals which are aligned to have the highest probability of achievement.
Greater self awareness of your values, your identity, what is meaningful for you and why.
Greater self awareness and understanding of the dynamics of your consciousness and of your subconscious strategies redirecting you to a more congruent and authentic life.
Understanding your beliefs and letting go of self limiting beliefs.
Overcoming patterns that keep you stuck.
Governance over your thoughts and feelings.
Understanding and dissolving fears and infatuations, no longer being run by them.
Dissolving any perceptions on yourself or someone else of anger, blame, lack of focus, betrayal, blockages, distractions, criticism, anxiety, depression, frustration, grief, jealousy, hatred, procrastination, shame, guilt, people pleasing, abandonment, trauma, overthinking, powerlessness, stress..... the list goes on.
No longer being run by these incomplete awareness.
No longer seek or avoid situations because of associated beliefs.
Appreciation for yourself and others.
Feeling inspired to be your authentic self.
Increased self worth, certainty and empowerment.
Have practical, tools and strategies at your disposal for dealing with life and life stressors.
identify and clarify your purpose and how it relates to your values
get clear on what you desire
explore possibilities
reflect and own what you would love to be, do and have in your life
write down what you would love in space and time
chunk down into action steps
create an action plan for achievement
link unloved daily actions to life mission and become revitalised and re-inspired
how to live your purpose
how to use your time and energy
money mindset
meaningful service and fair exchange
create your life by design
Understand and be able to integrate the Demartini Method to gain mastery over your mindset and emotions, leaving you in charge of your life.
Confidence in using this practical tool and associated strategies or dealing with life and life stressors.
Learn how to identify and equilibrate subordinations and nightmares so they no longer run you.
Learn how to identify and equilibrate aggrandizations and fantasies so they no longer run you.
Learn how to live in line with your values and no longer be distracted by the external world.
Learn the formula for success in any endeavour that works in every area of your life.
Expanded vision and space and time horizons.
Become inspired and awaken your genius.
Maximized creativity and innovation.
Increased certainty level.
Increased executive function.
Increased objectivity, adaptability and resilience.
Greater clarity of your vision and mission.
Feel more vital, fulfilled and inspired.
Increased self worth - increase wealth potential.
Increased leadership and influence.
Magnetic presence.
Equanimity within self and equity between others - leading to sustainable fair exchange.
Being empowered in all areas of life and having an inner knowing that you are the Master of your Destiny and not a victim to history or circumstance.
A life of thrival, not survival.
Are you ready to fully commit to yourself, to show up exactly as you are – no hiding , be coachable, ready to receive support, and be accountable?
Have increased connection to your sense of direction, certainty, enthusiasm, fulfilment and purpose, increase your sphere of influence and raise your self worth and value?
More space, time, energy, clarity, purpose and money for you.
financial wealth
social leadership and influence
family and intimate relationships
spiritual mission
physical health and well being
vocational success
mental genius
help you expand and develop in the way you want, traveling in the direction of your goals
deepen your relationship with yourself and others
support you (at all levels) on your journey to who/where you want to be
Then this package is for you